How do I hlp my 4 year old daughter accept the daycare children


I have a 4 year old little girl. She is hyperactive and has difficulty getting along with the daycare children. This has disrupted the household. She is acting out and there is not routine because of her behavior. How do I help her to go with the flow of things. If I can't find a way then I will have to close my daycare. I have already downsized to one full time child and one after school child.

Thanks for the question. This is very simple to answer but hard to do. All she needs is consequences for her actions. Kind of like teaching a dog to go outside...every time they make a mistake you provide consequences and soon they are going out. You need to provide some level of consequences ie timeout or loss of privileges. Now the hard part, you cannot miss a single instance of her acting out or you create confusion and every time you miss or don't do it you start all over. Good luck...its worth the pain you will go through in the beginning. Don't forget to reward her when she does not act out...stickers, stamps, treat, time alone with you, etc. Julie

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by: Scott

Thanks for the reply. Julie

Child Care
by: Arturo De la Mora

Great and interesting article. This will really help parents. Thanks for sharing this to us and keep posting.

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